Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Professors of department



Boris Efimovich Sobko

Mining engineer, professor department of “Surface Mining”, Head of the department “Surface Mining”, doctor of technical sciences, senior researcher.

Date of birth - 7/15/1963. In 1989 graduated Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institutein the specialization “The Technology and Complex Development of Mineral Deposits”. In 1989 – 2010 worked in the research sector at the NMU of engineering and scientific positions.

Educational work consists of lectures and guidance of the course, and degree designing of mining disciplines.

Scientific work is to manage the implementation of research projects by technology of surface mining of ore deposits and introduction in mining production modern information technology.

He owns more than 170 published scientific articles, including 3 monographs.

Research profile: ORCIDScopusWeb of ScienceResearchGateGoogle Scholar.



Oleksii Lozhnikov –  Professor of the Department of Surface Mining, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Doctor-Engeneer (Germany), deputy head of the Surface Mining Department.

In 2005, he graduated from the National Mining Academy of Ukraine with a specialty in "Development of mineral deposits." From 2005 to 2008, he studied as a postgraduate student in the thesis double defense program at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) at the Faculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering, and Mining. In 2012, he defended his thesis with dual supervision at the National Mining University and the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

The educational work is conducted by reading lectures and conducting practical classes in the disciplines "Technology of Surface Mining of Mineral Deposits", "Graphic design of Surface Mining", "Technological design of pits" and others.

The main direction of scientific work is the development of resource-saving technologies at the surface mining of mineral deposits. He has published more than 130 scientific works.

Public activity - member of the NGO "Innovative University". 

Research profile: ORCIDScopusWeb of ScienceResearchGateGoogle Scholar.



Oleg Anisimov, Dr.Sc.(Tech.), Professor of the Department of Surface Mining.

He was born in 1976. In 2001 , he graduated from the National Mining Academy of Ukraine to the specialty “Development of Mineral Deposits”.

Educational work is carr ied out by lectures and practical exercises in the discipline of “Environmental Security in Surface Mining”, “Technology of Surface Mining”.

Scientific work consists in carry ing out scientific research in the design of mining enterprises at the Institute Design of Mining Enterprises of State University “NMU”. The main direction of works is the development of iron and non-metallic deposits. 

He has more than 130 scientific publications. 

Research profile: ORCIDScopusWeb of ScienceResearchGateGoogle Scholar.



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