Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Associate Professors


Andrii Cherep, Ph.D. (Tech.), associate professor of the Department of Surface Mining..

Born in 1979. In 2002 graduated from the National Mining University with a degree in Mining. In 2008 defended his Ph.D. thesis.

Academic work is conducted by the lectures and practical training in the courses "Technology of open-cast mining of mineral deposits", "Mining processes", "Modern Geo-technology of Open-Cast Mining"

The main direction of scientific work is to substantiate the factors of technological and economic approaches to the assessment of production processes of mining and dressing of ore. He has more than 50 published scientific papers. 

Research profile: ORCIDScopusWeb of ScienceResearchGateGoogle Scholar.


Oleksandr Shustov, Ph.D. (Tech.), associate professor of the Department of Surface Mining.

In 2008 he graduated with honors from the National Mining University, since 2014 he is a candidate of technical science.

He conducts lectures on the following disciplines: “Construction of the open mine cavities”, “Hydromechanization, drying and drainage works in quarries”, “Theory of mine array management”, “The technology for the surface mining of mineral deposits for 3-5-year students by the specialty “Mining”.

Scientific activity of Shustov O.O. is associated with the development of technological solutions for the overburden works and preparation of the deep lignite deposits of Ukraine for exploitation in complicated hydrogeological conditions, as well as the organization of operation of reloading points in deep iron ore quarries. 

He has more than 50 published research works. 

Research profile: ORCID, Scopus, Web of Science, ResearchGate, Google Scholar.


Chebanov Maksim, Ph.D. (Tech.), associate professor of the Department of Surface Mining.

Associate professor of the Surface Mining. From 2012 to 2015 he studied at the National Mining University, majoring in "Surface mining". He defended his diploma project on the topic: "Substantiation of the parameters of the technological scheme of operation of equipment complexes" ES and dump truck "in the development of Motronivsko-Annivsky pit Vilnohirsky MMC."

Since 2020, he has been working as a junior researcher on state budget issues. 

He has more than 20 published research works. 

Research profile: ORCIDScopusWeb of ScienceResearchGateGoogle Scholar.


Andrii Adamchuk, Ph.D. (Tech.), associate professor of the Department of Surface Mining.

In 2015 he graduated with honors from the National Mining University, since 2021 he is a candidate of technical science.

He conducts lectures on the following disciplines: "The technology for the surface mining of mineral deposits" for the students by the specialty “Mining”.

Scientific activity of Andrii Adamchuk is associated with the justification effective parameters of open-pit mines using combined transpor. 

He has more than 40 published research works. 

Research profile: ORCIDScopusWeb of ScienceResearchGateGoogle Scholar.



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