Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Abstract discipline
"Construction of the open pit mines"
Time for assimilation of 3 credit
ETS (108 hours)

The purpose of discipline - the formation of a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the technology of capital and split the trench during the career development field for the open way.

The problem of discipline - to give students a knowledge of the technology of capital and split tranches mining equipment, determining the main parameters, technological and economic performance of building a career on certain criteria, and perform drawing diagrams and schedules of the trenches.

The main sections of the discipline:
- General concept of building a career;
- Plans disclosure of mineral deposits;
- Features and steep sloping disclosure of mineral deposits;
- Realization of the trenches and split dragline;
- Realization of the trenches and split-type excavator shovel;
- Realization of the trench diggers and split the current action;
- Developments in the capital and in the development of the split trenches shallow, sloping and steep labor;
- The organization and planning of construction career;
- Building construction timetable career;
- Definition of technical and economic parameters of building a career;

As a result of the discipline "Construction of open-pit mines," the student should be able to: identify the disclosure scheme shallow, steeply sloped or mineral deposits for future mining, according to the formulas to determine the basic parameters and the economic performance of schemes to assess the effectiveness of the trench technology disclosure, depending on the geological conditions of occurrence of shallow deposits on certain criteria, in sketch form and scale of the scheme to fulfill the disclosure of deposits, depending on the geological conditions of their occurrence, to assess and analyze the patterns of design drawings disclosure flat, sloping or steep deposits, graphically depict the plans, sections of mining deposits in the dynamics of disclosure and build schedules mining.

Types of training activities: lectures, workshops, independent work.
Study of the subject ends up setting off



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