Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Time is mastering ESTS 3 credits (135 hours)

The purpose of discipline - Formation of skills and competencies of process mining operation and practical skills in the selection and justification hirnychotransportnoho equipment for open pit mining of deposits.

Task discipline - to give students knowledge of the processes of open cast mining and development of mineral deposits, identifying key parameters and functionality hirnychotransportnoho equipment size selection pull-excavation equipment according to the initial mining and specifications and to determine its performance vidvaloutvorennya the open mining and design drawings of faces excavation, loading equipment and passports dump works.

Main sections of the following courses:
Overall, the concept of process mining operation;
- Excavation of the machine-navantazhualni cyclic action, the main operating parameters and hydraulic mehlopat career and performance;
- Remove breeds dragline, dragline operating parameters and performance;
- Remove breeds rotary excavators, technological characteristics of rotary excavator their performance;
- Transportation of rocks by rail, road, conveyor and combined transport;
- Vidvaloutvorennya in open cast mining.

As a result of the discipline "Processes mining operation"
student should be able to: carry out excavation choose standard size, loading equipment when removing soft and blown rocks, calculate the width zahodky excavators, strike passport slaughter: mehlopat when removing soft and blown rocks dragline with lower Digging and unloading of bulk, rail and bunker-conveyors, rotary excavator; characterize career station by appointment, guided in the schemes and features crossings, road posts, be able to determine the capacity and carrying capacity of career paths; strike passport slaughter mehlopat and draglines for their work on dumps , make payments options dump operations using bulldozers and determine their performance, able to build passports dump operations using bulldozers.

Types of training: lectures, practical classes, independent work.
Study subjects exam ends.



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