Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

International co-operation of department

Department implements international co-operation with Institute of Mining in frames of Agreement about collaboration of the State University “NMU” with Technical University “Bergakademie Freiberg” (Freiberg, Germany) and in structure of International University of Recourses (main office in Freiberg, Germany).

Cooperation program of the department with the Institute of Mining TU “BF” provides:

- Experience exchange of organization of educational process by credit-modular system;

- Exchange of methodological support of educational process;

- Common implementation of two-stage full higher education by schemes:

- Education by educational and professional bachelor’s programs SU “NMU” and by educational and professional master’s program - in TU “BF”;

- Qualifications of Masters the SU “NMU’ in TU “BF” and Master of TU “BF” - in the ST “NMU”;

- Carrying out educational and introductory practices of students of the TU “BF” at mining enterprises of Ukraine;

- Exchange of postgraduate students, researchers and teachers;

- Reviewing of dissertations (opponent works and preparation of the feedbacks on abstracts);

- Participation in scientific conferences, symposia, forums witch takes place in SU “NMU” and at the “BF”;

- Exchange of publications in scientific collections SU “NMU” and TU “BF”, preparation and publication of general monographs, textbooks, manuals, etc.

According to this program, educational and trial practice was carried out by students of TU “BF” at mining enterprises of Ukraine, post-graduate training of Lozhnikova O.V. and researcher Lituchogo V.V., reviewing of dissertations, exchanging of publications in scientific collections. Employees of the department regularly participate in International Symposium “Week of Miners and Metallurgists” of the TU “BF” and in scientific conferences that takes place at the TU “BF”. In turn, specifications of the Institute of Mining “BF” regularly participate in Forums of Miners that takes place in the SU “NMU”. In 2011 was published a common monograph “Scientific Basis of Environmental Management in Surface Mining” (authors: G.G. Pivnyak, I.L. Gumenik, K. Drebenshtedt, A.I. Panasenko).

Other great opportunities in international cooperation, in 2007, opened establishment the International University of Resources by five European Universities: Technical University “Freiberg Mining Academy”, Germany; State Institution of Higher Education “National Mining University”, Ukraine; St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University), Russia; Mining University, Austria, and Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Poland. The main objectives of the International University of Resources are:

- Efficiency of international cooperation by participating in European educational programs;

- Creation of common educational programs in the directions; “Engineering”, “Economy”, “Natural Science” and ‘Mathematics”;

- Activity in the field of common research projects;

- Exchange of postgraduates and students;

- Exchange of materials in the field of education, research results, publications;

- Holding of International Conferences.

Department directly participates in the creation of common educational programs – worker and associate professor of the department Cherep A.U. acts as coordinator of development of integrated curriculums.

Expanding cooperation within CIS, in 2011 the department signed a cooperation agreement with the department of “Surface Mining” of the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpaeva (Head of Department - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Rakishev BR).



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