Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Directions of scientific activity


1. Geoinformatics technologies of surface mining horizontal deposits.


The head of the direction - Borys Sobko, doctor of technical sciences, professor, senior researcher, the head of the department.

Solving the problems:

- Development and design technology of surface mining titanic and zirconium deposits;

- Development and implementation of geoinformatcs technology in mining enterprises.


2. Formation of low-waste technological resource saving systems on surface mining of coal, iron ore and manganese deposits.


The head of the direction - Sobko Boris Efimovich, doctor of technical sciences, professor, senior researcher, the head of the department.


Solving the problems:

- Development of steep deposits at great depths with internal dumping overburden;

- Technology of mining overburden in deep pits steeply inclined layers;

- Dumping of hard rocks in the mined out space of opencasts by high tiers to their full depth;

- Development of irrigated deposits of soft minerals in great depth;

- Improvement of the cyclic, cyclic-flow and flow technology in open pits;


3. Technology of nature management of mineral resources and formation of man caused landscapes.


The head of the direction – Lozhnikov Olexiy, Dr. – Ing, assoc. professor.

Solving the problems:

- technology integrated development of horizontal and sloping fields, including selective excavation of useful and accompanying minerals and the formation of man caused deposits;

- development of the effective parameters of the environmentally oriented development systemthat provides a rational and integrated development of deposits;

- rational technology of land reclamation with the formation of cultural post mining landscapes

4. Development, improvement and designing eco and energy saving technologies for extraction and processing of non-metallic solid minerals.


The head of the direction is Volodimir Simonenko, doctor of technical sciences, senior scientist, professor of the department, director of the Institute for the Design of Mining Enterprises of the State University “NMU”, award of the State University “NMU” in the field of science and technology.

Solving the problems:

- Development of non-metallic deposits with internal dumping of wastes of mining production;

- Eco and energy saving technologies of extraction and processing of amber, sand, clay, graphite and deposits of solid rock for construction materials;

- Eco, resource and energy saving technologies for extraction and processing of non-metallic minerals within decreased sanitary protection zone;

- Safety and energy saving technologies of contents extraction of active and inactive tailing dumps;

- Design of engineering, mining, transport, hydraulic structures and complexes for objects of opencast mining.


5. Methodology of designing and planning of surface mining.


The head of the direction is Valeryi Panchenko, candidat of technical sciences, associate professor, professor of the department.

Solving the problems:

- Economic mathematical models and methods of solving practical problems;

- Economic mathematical models and methods for solving mine planning;

- Mining and geometrical modeling of mining operations for solving practical and planning problems;

- Simulation modeling of technological processes to determine their rational parameters;

- Dynamical and economical evaluation of project and planning decisions;

- Complex technologies of designing and planning of surface mining.

The results of developments in the direction tested in the quarries Ingulets MPC and introduced in Poltava and Irshansk MPCs.


6. Ecological-saving technologies blasting operations at the development hard mineral deposits and the creation of new environmental friendly explosives.


The head of the direction is Strilets Alexander Petrovich, senior teacher of the department, director of the Center of Problems of Blasting Operations.

Solving the problems:

- Development and design of blasting technologies at quarries, including under conditions of decreased sizes of sanitary security zone;

- Blasting technology with protecting of closely spaced important subjects;

- Justification of efficiency and application technology of using clean explosives and their creation.



The results of developments in the direction approbated:

- In the quarries Southern, North and Central Inguletskogo MPCs and in the quarry of the company “Mitall Steel”. Implementation in these quarries emulsion explosive mark of Ukraine provided decreasing self-cost of blasting operations on 10-15%, increasing productive of excavators on 20%, decreasing dust formation on 60-62%, gas-formation on 65-68%, decreasing output of nitrates in the stratal water in 2,5 times. Actual economical efficiency from implementation Ukrainet at the MPCs more than 25 486 million UAH.

- In the quarries of non-metallic building materials of Ukraine (“Kremenchygskogo” “Quartz”, OAO “Nikitovskiy granite quarry”, Pervomaivsky granite and crushed-stone quarry of the State Concern “Inmakom” republic of Moldova, Volovetskoe cooperative enterprise “Agrodostroy”, AOZT UMP “Hydroenergostroy” quarry, OAO “Pervomaisky quarry “Granite” and others), implementation of technology of blowing by borehole charges in rock minerals allowed decreased lines of sanitary protection zone and safely extraction of abandoned resources of minerals close to residential buildings and constructions.

- During building operations hydrotechnical constructions at the Tashlikskoy GNES technology of blowing and optimization of parameters borehole charges allowed in short terms come to an end of construction and bring in exploitation.

During 2010-2011 years by department of “Surface Mining” were carrying out 3 scientific researches and 9 cost-accounting scientific research and planning works on the general sum over than 1,2 million UAH.



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