Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time



For the last 10 years, employees of the department published over 500 scientific and educational works, among which 9 textbooks and manuals, 5 monographs, over 260 articles and 40 patents, including:


1. G. Pcholkin, O. Ctrilech, V. Oliferuk. Monitoring of mass blasting seismic impact on residencial buildings and conctructions. New develop ments in mining 2015/. The Netherlends GRC Press/Belkema: 533-535 
2. Mekshun, G. Pcholkin, O. Petrova. Reclamatsion of Disturbed land. The 10th International Torum for Students and Voung Researc hers 2015 c. 90-91.
3. Dryzhenko, A., Nikiforova, N. (2015) Technologies of overburden rock storing in depleted or operated iron-ore open pits of Ukraine. New Developments in Mining Engineering Theoretical and Practical Solutions of Mineral Resources Mining. 493-503
4. Gumenik, I., & Lozhnikov, O. (2015). Current condition of damaged lands by surface mining in Ukraine and its influence on environment. New Developments in Mining Engineering, 139-143. (Наукометрична база Scopus)
5. Anisimov O. (2015). The development of deep pits steep slope layers/ Theoretical and Practical Solutions of Mineral Resources Mining. The Netherlands: CRC Press/Balkema: 243-246. University, (3). (Наукометрична база Scopus)


6. Sobko B. Y., Lozhnikov O.V., Laznikov, O. M. (2016). Substantiation of rational mining method at the Motronivskyi titanium-zirconium ore deposit exploration. Natsional'nyi Hirnychyi Universytet. Naukovyi Visnyk, (6), 41. (Наукометрична база Scopus)
7. Drizhenko A.Yu Prospects for future mining of steep iron-ore deposits in the context of Kryvbas / A.Yu. Drizhenko, A.A. Shustov, A.A. Adamchuk // Metallurgical and Mining Industry. - 2016. - № 10. - Р. 46-52. - Режим доступу: http://www.metaljournal.com.ua/assets/Journal/english-edition/MMI_2016_10/007Dryzhenko.pdf
8. Shustov O., Dryzhenko A. (2016) Organization of dumping stations with combined transport types in iron ore deposits mining. Mining of Mineral De-posits, 10(2), рр.78-84, ISSN 2415-3435 (Print), 2415-3443 (Online), http: // dx.doi.org / 10.15407/mining10.02.078 (Web of Science).


9. Sobko, B., Drebenstedt, C., & Lozhnikov, O. (2017). Selection of environmentally safe open-pit technology for mining water-bearing deposits. Mining of Mineral Deposits. (Наукометрична база Web of Science)
10. Open pit mining technology of steeply dipping mineral occurences by steeply inclined sublayers / [Drizhenko A.Y., Moldabayev S.K., Shustov A.A., Adamchuk A.A., Sarybayev N.] // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2017. Section Exploration and Mining. ? Albena, Bulgaria, 29 June ? 5 July, 2017. ? Issue 13. ? P. 599 ? 605. ? ISSN 1314-2704.
11. Drizhenko A.Y. Justification of parameters of building inclined trenches using belt conveyors / A.Y. Drizhenko, A.A. Shustov, S.K. Moldabayev // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2017. Section Exploration and Mining. ? Albena, Bulgaria, 29 June ? 5 July, 2017. ? Issue 13. ? P. 471 ? 478. ? ISSN 1314-2704.
12. Drizhenko A.Y. Organization of dumping stations with combined transport types in iron ore deposits mining / A.Y. Drizhenko, A.A. Shustov // Mining of Mineral Deposits. ? Dnipro : NMU. - Vol. 10. ? Issue 2. ? P. 78-84. ? ISSN 2415-3435. - Режим доступу: http://ir.nmu.org.ua/bitstream/handle/123456789/147094/11.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
13. Anatoly Dryzhenko, Serik Moldabayev, Aleksander Shustov, Andrey Adam-chuk, Nurzhigit Sarybayev / Open pit mining technology of steeply dipping mineral occurrences by steeply inclined sublayers // 17th International Multidis-ciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2017, 17(13), 29 June - 05 July. - Albena, Bulgaria. - pp. 599-605, doi.org/10.5593/sgem2017/13, ISSN 1314-2704 (Scopus).
14. Anatoly Dryzhenko, Aleksander Shustov, Serik Moldabayev/ Justifi-cation of parameters of building inclined trenches using belt conveyors // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2017, 17(13), 29 June - 05 July. - Albena, Bulgaria. - pp. 471-478, doi.org/10.5593/sgem2017/13, ISSN 1314-2704 (Scopus).
15. Netecha M.V., Shevchenko S.V., Strilets O.P. Jaspilites and other gemstones of post-jaspilite genesis: mining, treatment, and enhancement ISSN 2071-2227, Науковий вісник НГУ, 2017, No 2 (стр. 28-33)


16. Sobko B. Y., Lozhnikov O.V. (2018). Determination of cut-off wall cost efficiency at motronivskyi pit mining. Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University, (3). (Наукометрична база Scopus)
17. Sobko, B. Y., Denyschenko, O. V., Lozhnikov, O. V., & Kardash, V. A. (2018). The belt conveyor effectiveness at the rock haulage under flooded pit excavations. Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University, (6). (Наукометрична база Scopus)
18. Investigation and substantiation of efficiency of working out of a draft with dragline from one position with moving of a ground to an angle to 220 degrees at working out of smooth deposits. O. Strilets, G. Pchelkin, D. Shmura, M. Mekshun.// Cpllection of research papers of national mining university. - Dnipro: " National mining university", 2018 № 54 с 117-128
19. Using of segregation for development of technogenic deposits with the purpose of upgrading of products. V. Kustov, G. Pchelkin, O. Strilets//. Cpllection of research papers of Dnipro university of technology. - Dnipro: " National mining university", 2018. №53 с 87-93
20. Drizhenko, A.Yu., Shustov, O.O. & Adamchuk, А.А. (2018) Improving the method of open-pit lignite deposit development in Ukraine, Innovate development of resource-saving technologies for mining. Multi-authored monograph, 56-79.
21. Anisimov, O.O. (2018). Research on parameters of the working area on an internal dump for developing open pits. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, No 1, pp. 27-34. (DOI: 10.29202/nvngu/2018-1/17) (Наукометрична база Scopus)
22. Anisimov, O., Symonenko, V., Cherniaiev, O., & Shustov, O. (2018). Formation of safety conditions for development of deposits by open mining. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20186000016 (Наукометрична база Scopus)
23. Belov, O., Shustov, O., Adamchuk, A. & Hladun, O. (2018). Complex Processing of Brown Coal in Ukraine: History, Experience, Practice, Prospects. Solid State Phenomena, 277, 251-268. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.277.251 (Scopus).
24. Shustov, O.O., Bielov, O.P., Perkova, T.I., Adamchuk, A.A. (2018). Substantiation of the ways to use lignite concerning the integrated development of lignite deposits of Ukraine. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 3, pp. 5-18. DOI: 10.29202/nvngu/2018-3/6 (Scopus).
25. Strilets O. Features of formation of technogenic limestone deposits / O. Strilets, G. Pchelkin, M. Mekshun// Збірник наукових праць Національного гірничого університету. - 2018. - № 56. - С. 101-115. - Режим доступу: http://znp.nmu.org.ua/index.php/uk/ua-2018-56
26. Strilets O. Investigation and substantiation of efficiency of working out of a draft with dragline from one position with moving of a ground to an angle to 220 degrees at working out of smooth deposits / Strilets O., Pchelkin G., Shmura D., Mekshun M.// Збірник наукових праць Національного гірничого університету. - 2018. - № 54. - С. 117-127. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/znpngu_2018_54_14
27. Strilets O. Using of segregation for development of technogenic deposits with the purpose of upgrading of products / O. Strilets, G. Pchelkin, V. Kustov // Збірник наукових праць Національного гірничого університету. - 2018. - № 53. - С. 87-93. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/znpngu_2018_53_11


28. Sobko B., Lozhnikov O. "Resourse-saving technology at the surface mining titanium-zirconium deposits in Ukraine" Freiberg 27.02 - 3.03.2019 (2018): 44-49.
29. Sobko B., Lozhnikov O., Levytskyi V., Skyba G. Conceptual development of the transition from drill and blast excavation to non-blasting methods for the preparation of mined rock in surface mining. The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin. 2019, pp. 21-28, DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.3.3. скопус. (WoS)
30. Sobko, B., Haidin, A., Lozhnikov, O., & Jarosz, J. (2019). Method for calculating the groundwater inflow into pit when mining the placer deposits by dredger. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 123, p. 01025). EDP Sciences. скопус.



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