Prof. Boris Sobko
Mining engineer for surface mining of mineral deposits. Head of the Department of open cast mining. Doctor of technical Sciences. Professor of the Department of open cast mining NMU.
Date of birth - 15.07.1963.
In 1982 he graduated from Kamenetz-Podolsk industrial College with a degree in mining techniques. In 1989 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk mining Institute and was qualified as a mining engineer for surface mining of mineral deposits. From 1989 to 1994 he worked in engineering and scientific positions in the Dnepropetrovsk mining Institute, a research laboratory of integrated development of mineral deposits.
In 1994 he defended his thesis on the development of ways and means of combating dust and gas emissions during open development of mineral deposits. In 2010 he defended his doctoral thesis on the theme: "Scientific substantiation of the technology of opencast alluvial titanium-zirconium deposits of Ukraine". From 2015 the head of the Department of open cast mining.
In 2004 Sobko B. Y. member of the delegation of the mining experts, which was invited by the Australian company "Mikromine" to explore geoinformacionnih systems geological modelling in the mining industry. With his direct participation were created three-dimensional geological model of titanium-zirconium and iron ore deposits.
Under the leadership Sobko B. Y. for the period from 2008 to 2011 were made self-supporting to orders Volnogorsk MMC for substantiation of rational open-cast mine of technological schemes of development Malyshev Deposit and technological schemes for modifying the length of the front of mining operations (when passing the village of Petrovka), and the development of rational schemes of dumping in the quarry "South" in connection with emergency repairs of stacker SN-6600.
Today he is a wellknown scientist, a specialist in the field of systems research for improving the processes of surface mining and development technology of titanium-zirconium deposits. The author of over 100 scientific works, including 3 monographs, numerous patents. He has received industry awards and acknowledgements.
Boris Sobko is the editor-in-chief of the professional journal "Collection of scientific works of the National Mining University" (
Profile: ORCID, Scopus, Web of Science, ResearchGate, Google Scholar.
Main publications
1. Comparative analysis of changes of market environment and development strategies of mining enterprises / A.M. Melnykov, B.Yu. Sobko, N.B. Pundiak // Naukoviy visnik NMU. - 2012. - #5.
2. Sobko B.Y. Laznikov O.M., Haidin A.M., Lozhnikov O.V. Substantiation of rational mining method at the Motronovsky titanium-zirconium ore deposit exploration. Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. – Д., 2016. - №6 (156). – С. 41 -49.
3. B. Sobko, C. Drebenstedt, O. Lozhnikov. Selection of environmentally safe open-pit technology for mining water-bearing deposits. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 11, 2017. p. 70 – 75
4. Sobko B.Yu., Denyschenko O.V., Lozhnikov O.V., Kardash V.A. "The belt conveyor effectiveness at the rock haulage under flooded pit excavations" Natsional'nyi Hirnychyi Universytet. Naukovyi Visnyk 6 (2018): 26-32.
5. Sobko B., Lozhnikov O. "Determination of cut-off wall cost efficiency at motronivskyi pit mining." Natsional'nyi Hirnychyi Universytet. Naukovyi Visnyk 3 (2018): 44-49.
6. Sobko B., Lozhnikov O., Levytskyi V., Skyba G. Conceptual development of the transition from drill and blast excavation to non-blasting methods for the preparation of mined rock in surface mining. The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin. 2019, pp. 21-28, DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2019.3.3.
7. Sobko, B., Haidin, A., Lozhnikov, O., & Jarosz, J. (2019). Method for calculating the groundwater inflow into pit when mining the placer deposits by dredger. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 123, p. 01025). EDP Sciences.
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